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UX Problem : Mess System

The un-organized and chaotic mess food system

UX Research | Interviews | User Interface

The Current Mess System

The user enters the mess and goes to the token Station.
1. If the user has a Mess Card, he can directly swipe the card take his receipt.
2. If the user doesn't have a Mess Card but has the mess subscription, he'll write his name in the Sheet and check the box of the meal he's having at the time(Breakfast/Lunch/Hi Tea/Dinner) and take his token.
3. If the user doesn't have the Mess subscription, he'll pay the amount for the meal receive the

4. the user moves to the Food Counter. Submits his receipt/token and take the plate.
5. he receives the Food (except Tea, Coffee, Milk, Cornflakes sprouts / salads, pickle,
drinks/Ketchup, Chutney which are on the side station) from the same station.
6. Then he moves to the Side Station for the items mentioned above.
7. Then the user takes the seat and eats his/her food.

Issues with The Current Mess System

The Whole system includes standing in long ques for token , plates and food disposal which wastes a lot of time for
the user.

• As the food is served by the mess workers and not self served by the users, many times the user gets more food than he wants which leads to food wastage.

• There are 2 Mess in KU


Inside the Main Campus.

This Mess has 2 floors for Dining and Serving but the Token Station and  Food Disposal are on the ground floor only.
For Water, the User has to take glass from the Food Station and go to the Hand Washing Station where the Water Purifier is kept.
This has same door for Entry and Exit.
The Card Scanner is on the Token Station only which brings the ques for User with Mess Card, Users without mess Card and Non
subscription users on the same station.
The Backdoor for food disposal takes a lot of strength to open. So, for a user it's very difficult to open the door when he's ca rrying
his plate and glass.
The Stations are placed in a poorly planned way as when the user is done taking his desired items from the salad station, he end s
up in the middle of two plate ques going both sides of him/her.


Inside the Extended Campus.

This has a long hall and has only 1 floor.
If the user wants to drink water, he must go all the way to the corner food station for glass and then go almost to the other si de
of the hall where the water purifier is kept in the hand washing station.

Photo Documentation

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-13 at 2.25.16 PM.jpeg


User Persona

WhatsApp Image 2021-08-24 at 2.19.56 AM.jpeg

Chosen Solution

An App for Checking in and stopping the use of paper receipts/tokens.

Information Architecture

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